Do you know when to start reviewing the content studied for the contest?

Every candidate knows that it is important to make periodic reviews, but there is much doubt as to when this should happen. Because, over time, the amount of information in each subject only grows and becomes increasingly difficult to be administered. In the same proportion, the risk of many things being forgotten is increasing. ⇏ Gift B ox    ' Romance Your Partner '  100-page eBook  Completely free At the beginning of the study , everyone has the feeling that they study and do not learn. It is not just impression, but reality, because it is the first contact of the brain with that content, especially if it is a discipline never seen in life. There is an important fact to be considered in this context: memorization happens gradually and requires successive repetitions. But it will only be effective if you really understand what you are studying. Then, the process begins with the understanding of the contents, and then start fixing them. It is worth mentioning...

Online Advertising: Know Content Marketing

A quick "walk" through social networks allows us to see a great deal of information, in a multitude of different formats, on even more varied subjects. In this whole universe, something there will be useful for your life and will help you heal any need you have - who knows to convince you to buy something or at least to comment and share? This entire process is part of content marketing.

In summary, content marketing is a set of strategies that aim to engage the public and increase the universe of potential customers for a brand, creating value and establishing a positive relationship with people. All this is done through valuable and relevant content for these people, who see in that brand a potential provider of knowledge and solutions.

The possibilities of applying content marketing are many, carried out by means of useful tools. Some of them you should already know very well:

  • Blogs: the main channel of the relationship of your brand/product with your audience. Versatile allows publication in different formats;
  • Newsletters: useful for keeping your audience informed about news on your site/blog and reporting on special actions such as promotions and events;
  • E-books: rich and complete materials, used to educate the consumer about a specific subject;
  • Webinars: On-line lectures in which you can show the consumer some knowledge, in addition to interacting with him;
  • Videos: one of the formats that most promotes engagement, is generally very well accepted by all audiences.

A good content marketing strategy takes into account some very important aspects. Meet some of them now!


We can say that the persona is like the target audience in a more specific and personalized definition. It is a personification of the ideal consumer of your brand or product for which all actions of communication and content are directed.

The persona - most often called a "buyer persona" - has its own characteristics, as if it were a real person, such as name, age, profession, problems and career challenges, as well as hobbies and personal preferences. The more detailed your persona, the easier it will be to produce content and the more efficient your strategy will be.

Planning and strategies

Content planning asks us to determine some important things, such as the channels that will be used and the types of content that will be produced and shared - of course, always in tune with the company's goals, the brand, and the campaign.

You must determine the formats and themes that will be addressed in your strategy, according to the time of the campaign and the specific goals of each action. A good tool that guides this whole process is the so-called sales funnel or marketing funnel, which guides the full potential of content marketing.


Each tactical action generates a reaction - and this data is highly valuable to you! Try to measure all the results of your actions and content marketing campaigns, always using indicators specially chosen according to each action and goal. Then provide the necessary changes or reinforcements to maximize efficiency.

Now that you already know all about content marketing, how about sharing with your contacts on social networks?


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