Do you know when to start reviewing the content studied for the contest?

Every candidate knows that it is important to make periodic reviews, but there is much doubt as to when this should happen. Because, over time, the amount of information in each subject only grows and becomes increasingly difficult to be administered. In the same proportion, the risk of many things being forgotten is increasing. ⇏ Gift B ox    ' Romance Your Partner '  100-page eBook  Completely free At the beginning of the study , everyone has the feeling that they study and do not learn. It is not just impression, but reality, because it is the first contact of the brain with that content, especially if it is a discipline never seen in life. There is an important fact to be considered in this context: memorization happens gradually and requires successive repetitions. But it will only be effective if you really understand what you are studying. Then, the process begins with the understanding of the contents, and then start fixing them. It is worth mentioning...


Blogging content idea
Developing a blog job on your company website is essential for content marketing strategy, it is important to keep the blog updated periodically with new, relevant and authoritative content. Periodicity and authoring are not only important to the public that comes with it, but also to the search tools of search engines such as Google, Yahoo Search, and Bing.
But we all know that there are days that "give a blank" in the brain and it is very difficult to produce content, there is no idea. So we've separated some tips that will help you have insights for your blog content.

The Google Alerts, as the name suggests, alerts to users about news topics that you register the tool. Just log in to your Google account in the tool and " Create alerts " on the topics you are interested in receiving news. For example, a vehicle agency can create alerts on "automotive market", "mechanics", "auto financing", "cars", among several other related topics. With these updates, you can keep consuming and generating new content.

Hubspot is a collaborative tool for you to create schedules automatically from the 3 fields you fill out with topics you would like to work on. For example, a beauty salon can enter topics such as "hair", "nail" and "beauty", and the tool will search for topics with related themes to help create themes for your blog, such as "The Beauty Story", "10 tips for your hair" etc.
The tool is in English but is easy to translate.

The tool works like Hubspot, with the difference that you only add one topic at a time to get ideas for content, and if you do not like the suggestions, just click the next button to get other ideas.
The tool is also in English and needs to be translated.

Listen to your audience
It is the best source of content for your blog, after all, the content is produced for them. By listening to your audience you can identify the topics that matter most. And to listen to them, you can simply question them by adding dialog boxes on your website for users to fill out with content tips they would like to receive, or even through email marketing in the same way. Another good option is to be attentive to the comments that appear on your blog, often are doubts that may be future posts.

Count on 2nd as a Partner
A 2nd has been on the market for 16 years and keeps its knowledge base up-to-date to make your project meet your audience's usability expectations. He has built a team specialized in marketing and web design, prepared to study your brand and develop the material necessary to provide you with effective communication.

17 creative ideas for yourself to produce your rich content

Check out 17 creative, simple, and inexpensive ideas for yourself to produce rich materials and generate more leads for your business.

At some point, you have thought about the possibility of producing a rich material, but abandoned the idea of not having the staff or budget for this?
Note that these two shortcomings are no longer an excuse for you not to create this material. The number of tools (some even free) that intuitively assist the user in creating animations, podcasts, spreadsheets, calculators, infographics, webinars and other formats that go beyond the eBook is practically countless.
Here, in Digital Results, we produce rich materials weekly. In addition to eBooks, we also provide other material formats on our Educational Materials page.
With that in mind, we've selected 17 creative ideas for you to produce your rich content yourself. In a simplified way, and without the need for large investments, you can create several forms of materials yourself. Just choose which format is right for your type of business.
Producing rich materials is a smart way to generate leads for your business. All you have to do is create it and then make it available for download on a Landing Page.

Let's go to the list:

1 - Quick reading guide

Presentation with little text on each page, using colors and icons. It is an available reading that can be easily scanned with the eyes. The difference is in the organization of information and the use of colors.
When to use:  When the person has little time and availability.
  • Understand the age of your skin and know which products work best with it;
  • An example of this style of design can be seen in the Inbound marketing template for an agency that we have. Although the purpose is different, the template serves as an inspiration.
Step by step:
  • Choose a color palette that matches your persona or use that of your brand;
  • Make the slides with a colored background;
  • Write the text with large letters arranged in different parts of the page with bold in some main expressions;
  • Place flat icons to show simple images with important information;

2 - Dictionaries of area terms

A complete list of specific and interesting terms in your segment.
When to use:  When your area has its own language, many expressions and/or technical terms. New people in the area can get lost, and the dictionary is a good material to make this aid.
  • Glossary of Digital Marketing terms ;
  • Do you know what a cock is? Know the main expressions of the stock exchange.
Step by step:
  • Create a list of words in Word or similar;
  • Organize in alphabetical order;
  • Create links within the file, and for ease of navigation turn into PDF.

3 - Email Tracks

Automation of a limited number of emails on a given theme, with a useful and clear delivery to the user. The benefit lies in the organization, curation, and recurrence of content.
When to use:  To separate a large volume of content into smaller, and therefore well didactic, parts. A good idea for people with the rush routine, no time to read an ebook at a time.
  • We are looking for apartments for you, receive every day X examples of properties for rent in your area;
  • 7 emails to learn more about email marketing in 14 days.
Step by step:
  • Have an interesting theme for yourself;
  • Separate the content into several small posts and/or emails;
  • Prepare a call to action with the call of the trail;
  • By clicking, the user subscribes to a landing page and begins receiving the sequence of emails.

4 - Podcast Tracks

The sequence of podcasts sent with a predetermined frequency by email. Very similar to the email trail, what differs is the format in which the information is delivered. In this case, in audio.
When to Use:  When you need to give your audience recent news and/or content for easier absorption.
  • Get daily financial market updates;
  • Stay within the main trends of fashion;
  • Improve your people management in 15 days while you go to work.
Step by step:
  • Have an interesting theme for yourself;
  • Record the podcasts and email them to your base;
  • Prepare a call to action with the call of the trail;
  • By clicking, the user subscribes to a landing page and begins receiving the sequence of emails.

5 - a Study plan

Define what the readings will be each day and thus encourage the student to finalize a goal.
When to Use:  An option if your business is connected to education and/or needs content delivery in planned and sequential steps.
  • Get ready for the OAB test with this study plan;
  • Review the main genetic contents for the college entrance examination.
Step by step:
  • Separate the contents to be studied;
  • Stretch deadlines and small wins;
  • Assemble the schedule.
  • Option 1: Use Excel with colors and goals
  • Option 2: Make an image cut into fragments, each space representing a content to be read. The student will color the image as he reads the corresponding contents until he reaches his goal and has a complete drawing.

6 - Programmatic contents of a course

The material can be made to unite all the information about a course of graduation, post-graduation, extension, etc. It can be a pdf in order to help potential students understand the program.
When to use:  Focused on the education sector, it is used to promote courses of different levels, both online and in person.
  • Program content of the post to send course;
  • Complete Guide to Travel Management: Everything you need to see if this course suits you.
Step by step:
  • Gather all information about the course in a single file: curriculum, course description, hours, price, student testimony, employability after the course;
  • Turn it into a single PDF.

7 - Infographics

It can be the union of information in a visual way, with graphics and data highlighted to facilitate a message is understood.
When to use:  To make it easier to read through the visual information, be it about the growth of a sector, or to explain a step by step.
  • Analysis of the textile industry sector of 2015;
  • How to choose the best phone for you;
  • [Infographic] Become a Results Agency!
Step by step:
  • Separate the most relevant information;
  • Organize them more comfortable for the reader;
  • Mount in the infographic, using a tool for this.

Tip: The infographic has to have the face of the company you are doing. It's no use being too serious and linear if the goal is to get the attention of teenagers. Just as it can not be very informative if directed to the financial sector.

8 - Lists with animated gifs

You can assemble a list of about a theme and illustrate it with animated gifs.
When to Use:  To have closer and more relaxed communication with the public, especially teens and generation Y.
  • 15 signs you need to change your cell phone;
  • 10 tips to get it right when it comes to getting your first job.
Step by step:
  • Montex interesting facts about a theme;
  • Choose animated GIF images that represent each one;
  • Send by email or put in google docs.

9 - Calculator

This is an excel file with pre-made formulas, and the user can benefit from having a clear and mathematical idea of ​​your solution.
When to Use:  Interesting to show spending and/or market perspective. It is also useful for anyone who has a practical calculation or an easily measurable payoff.
  • Worksheet to control your personal expenses;
  • Light savings calculator: when you would save money by replacing your bulbs with LEDs;
  • A / B Test Calculator.
Step by step:
  • Assemble the information in a worksheet;
  • Organize the formulas in an excel and/or google drive ;
  • Separate the parts that can be altered and the fixed areas;
  • Create a teaching flap to use.

10 - List of useful tools and sites spreadsheet

A collection of sites, app and/or blogs that will be interesting to you.
When to use:  It is easy to assemble content. They are well accepted when your persona is going through a strategic and/or particular moment of life and needs help in it.
  • Around the world in 80 sites: spreadsheet with everything you need for your trip;
  • 50 sites that every bride needs to follow.
Step by step:
  • Make a compilation of websites, tools, blog, apps, events, festivals, area personalities, facebook groups;
  • Separate categories;
  • Search for more information;
  • Look for other lists to complement yours;
  • Prepare a description of the links;
  • Add a bonus;
  • Adjust the spreadsheet colors and columns;
  • Create a how-to-use tab.
Tip: Try to think of fun names and encourage people to keep editing their own spreadsheet so that it gets more and more complete.

11 - Analysis of a segment

A survey or the data that your company collected about the industry.
When to Use:  For companies that have a relevant volume of information about a segment to offer.
  • Main difficulties in people management: edition Latin America 2014;
  • Overview of how the hotel industry dealt with the crisis in 2015.
Step by step:
  • Separate categories and information;
  • Look for key patterns;
  • Separate by sector;
  • Organize results on slides with graphics and/or infographic;
  • Save in pdf and make it available as an industry analysis.

12 - Commented technical articles or laws

It is a commented or simplified version of something very technical for a lay public on the subject.
When to use:  To help another area understand something technical or study for some contest.
  • Law XX commented: understand better about the smallest apprentice in your company;
  • 7 steps to better understand the regulations of the Individual Protection Equipment;
  • Manual of technical products.
Step by step:
  • Make notes about the article/law;
  • Intercall the text of the article with comments made;
  • Make clear what is text and what is the comment;
  • Turn it into pdf.

13 - Quick animations

Mini videos or animations that explain the content in a playful way.
When to use:  To vary the delivery format of content and also if the audience tends to be more dynamic and less interested in reading.
  • Learn how to choose your first property;
  • How to sell more at your tool store;
  • 7 tips to save on your trip.
Step by step:
  • Make your script;
  • Write the main sentences;
  • Prepare the video for a free tool.

14 - Minicourse

A course with recorded lessons and/or written materials.
When to Use:  To attract students interested in topics.
  • Master the use of Excel in 4 classes;
  • German for beginners: mini course to unpack your trip to Germany;
  • The course "Inbound Effective Marketing".
Step by step:
Prepare a lesson plan;
Choose the format of each presentation;
Organize the sequence of activities;
Have a strategy for confirming presences in each module, such as landing page entries.

15 - Reuse a talk/hangout and add questions at the end

Use the script of a presentation or lecture already done and, in addition, encourage the audience to interact with the speaker.
When to use:  In the absence of time to create new content and when you have a renowned specialist in the area.
  • How to choose the best marketplace for your business, ask your questions with a specialist in the area;
  • Hangout "The changes that are transforming the world of sales. "
Step by step:
  • Have a clear script;
  • Record in a quiet place or that would attract the attention of your person;
  • Have a moderator for the questions at the end.

16 - Send gifts of your brand

Capture the person's contacts so the company can send a freebie to the brand or with an interesting phrase.
When to use:  When a brand is very strong or niche.
  • Get a free sticker;
  • Receive a mouse pad with the name of your course at the University;
  • Earn a rubber keyring from your favorite tourist spot.
Step by step:
  • Create a registration;
  • Explain the rules, such as frequency and time of sending, etc;
  • Send by mail.

17 - Molds of your product to print

Design of products and/or form that are for sale online.
When to Use:  To make it easy to shop online for products that depend on size and shape, such as shoes and glasses.
  • Print the shape of the shoe to check its numbering;
  • Download our guide of sizes and hit the purchase of the alliance;
  • Print the model of your favorite glasses and see which one suits your face more.
Step by step:
  • Provide a simple file for printing;
  • Explain how to print correctly to avoid distortion in size.
We hope these ideas are useful to you and your business.
To help you get started publishing, be sure to download our "Rich Content Planning Guide" for free to learn exactly what is needed to create increasingly efficient Leads generation materials. Get content and knowledge-based

⇏ Gift Box  'Romance Your Partner100-page eBook Completely free


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