Do you know when to start reviewing the content studied for the contest?

Every candidate knows that it is important to make periodic reviews, but there is much doubt as to when this should happen. Because, over time, the amount of information in each subject only grows and becomes increasingly difficult to be administered. In the same proportion, the risk of many things being forgotten is increasing. ⇏ Gift B ox    ' Romance Your Partner '  100-page eBook  Completely free At the beginning of the study , everyone has the feeling that they study and do not learn. It is not just impression, but reality, because it is the first contact of the brain with that content, especially if it is a discipline never seen in life. There is an important fact to be considered in this context: memorization happens gradually and requires successive repetitions. But it will only be effective if you really understand what you are studying. Then, the process begins with the understanding of the contents, and then start fixing them. It is worth mentioning...


Kindle: all about the preferred e-reader of content producers!

Want to know an e-reader that will optimize your reading productivity? We've researched everything a content producer needs to know about Amazon's Kindle!
Confess you've heard of the Kindle, but turned your face away from the temptation to "betray" your love of the printed book. After all, how to abandon the pleasure of passing each page and feel that typical smell of the sheets of paper?
While it is difficult to change old habits, we have to recognize when technology comes in to make our lives better. This device weighs just over 200g (and can carry a whole library!) Can help you improve content production, vocabulary and the quality of your writing.

Thinking about it, we selected 7 things (and a surprise 😉) that you need to know about the Kindle but were afraid to ask. Check it out!

1. It has a design that facilitates the handling

The Kindle has a 6 "screen, that is, it's super light and about the size of a pocketbook - needless to say, it's very handy to take anywhere. The back has a slight tilt and discreet textures to facilitate the fit of the hands on the device.
The look of the front edges is very smooth, the fact that gives a sophisticated air to the device. The sides are rounded and form an anatomical design.
The final finish of the reader's darling e-reader is top notch and has no gaps or tips left over.

2. It allows storing thousands of ebooks

Yes, that's right. The internal storage of 4GB of space allows you to store thousands of ebooks. Every content producer is passionate about information, so know that a Kindle is like having your own mobile library.

As if that were not enough, Amazon (device creator) offers a totally free cloud service. That means you do not have to worry about the number of files because the storage capacity is huge.

Nor do you need to stress about the location of the titles: it has an infallible search system by the cover, title or author. Many continue to buy favorite forms to save as a collection, but the priority of reading now is the device.

3. It has technology that simulates the experience of paper

Perhaps this is the item that most wins those who love the printed book. The Kindle Paperwhite model uses a built-in light technology that focuses directly on the surface of the screen and does not reflect sunlight. Incidentally, that's the biggest difference between a Kindle and a conventional tablet.

Another thing that makes the Kindle user a good experience is the color tones. To kill the impact of white and black, multiple shades of gray are used which allow for a more pleasant reading (Christian Gray would be open-mouthed).

4. It enables access to books in a matter of seconds

Let's not talk bad about the printed book, of course, but how many times have you been anxious, counting the days for the mail to deliver your order? With the Kindle, the book comes a few seconds after you buy it or download it for free.

Amazon offers several free titles, being able to read a sample of the books for sale before deciding to buy. In addition, it also encourages discounts and other offers.
In addition, you can also take advantage of lightning offers from the Amazon store. As the name itself says, the time for promotion is very limited, so it's good to keep an eye on the offerings of the day.

5. It helps you read in other languages

Have you ever been interested in a work, but lost the will to read when you saw that only the English version existed? With Kindle, this problem is totally resolvable!
Equipped with a native translation tool, simply select a word or part of the text that Kindle translates for you!

Usually, some books take a long time to get the translated version. Reading the title in its original form provides a competitive advantage for those who produce content.
After all, marketing is transformed according to the market and consumer behavior. Keeping informed means that you visualize the future prospects of your profession.

6. It has its own ebook format, but it accepts others

The typical format for Kindle-compatible ebooks is .mobi. It was purchased by Amazon, supports additional browsing images and controls.
On the internet, several sites offer public domain books with this setting. However, if you prefer to download in PDF, no problem.

Send to the email that was generated on the first interaction with the device. Type the word convert into the subject field and it will convert the file to you automatically.

7. It offers more convenience to the content producer

Do you know when you read the paragraph in a text and immediately have a creative insight? An idea interest for a customer's item? On Kindle, you can mark the text and it goes straight to a specific file. So your idea can be recalled later.

It is a perfect device for those who do not want to waste time, know why:
  • the battery lasts, on average, 6 weeks;
  • when you leave the ebook or turn off the device, it resumes where you stopped reading;
  • allows the query of synonyms in real time: just click on the word;
  • warns the percentage of the reading and calculates the time to finish the content.

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