Do you know when to start reviewing the content studied for the contest?

Every candidate knows that it is important to make periodic reviews, but there is much doubt as to when this should happen. Because, over time, the amount of information in each subject only grows and becomes increasingly difficult to be administered. In the same proportion, the risk of many things being forgotten is increasing. ⇏ Gift B ox    ' Romance Your Partner '  100-page eBook  Completely free At the beginning of the study , everyone has the feeling that they study and do not learn. It is not just impression, but reality, because it is the first contact of the brain with that content, especially if it is a discipline never seen in life. There is an important fact to be considered in this context: memorization happens gradually and requires successive repetitions. But it will only be effective if you really understand what you are studying. Then, the process begins with the understanding of the contents, and then start fixing them. It is worth mentioning...


Web content reviewer: the professional who will ensure the quality of your strategy

According to the Content Trends 2017 survey, companies that publish 13 or more content per month have twice the traffic than those who publish less frequently.

A lot of people have noticed this and are already implementing this strategy. According to the same survey, 74.8% of respondents increased the number of content published from 2015 to 2017.

With production becoming more and more, it also increases the importance of a professional: the reviewer of web content, who is going to ensure that all this material is suitable for marketing purposes and, especially, that it is not just more noise on the internet.

But how does he do it? What are the skills and functions of a good content reviewer and how do you stay qualified?

That's what you'll find out with us!

In this post you will learn:

  • What does a web content reviewer do?

  • How much does a web content reviewer earn?

  • What qualification do I need for a web content reviewer?

  • What skills should a web content reviewer have?

  • How to hire a web content reviewer?

    • Job Description Template

    • The pre-interview task

    • Questions for the interview

  • Why is it important to have a web 2.0 content reviewer?

What does a web content reviewer do?

"I already know! The reviewer is the guy who makes sure you do not miss any typing, do you? "

If you are thinking this, think again, little grasshopper. The role of the reviewer within content marketing goes well beyond that!

Of course, it is also his responsibility to ensure that Portuguese and grammar are as good as possible, but his work includes more than just "mastering" writing.

It is the reviewer who gives the final word of that content is ready to be published or, in the case of rich materials, diagrammed.

For this, he needs to keep an eye on more than Portuguese. Let's take a look at the criteria he evaluates:

Relevance of content

First of all, the content needs to be relevant - and it is up to the reviewer to ensure that this is the case. When evaluating the material produced, he needs to keep an eye on the persona and make sure that the information presented will be useful to him.

The content can not be too basic, bringing only common sense, nor too deep, to the point that the persona does not understand what was produced.

Also, it is almost unnecessary to say that the information should also be right , should not it?

For this, the web reviewer has 2 options: either he or she must understand enough of the subject matter on which it is being written, or make sure the copywriter is an expert in the field .

Suitability to strategy

Are you guaranteed that the content meets the needs of the person? Great. Now it's time to check whether it meets the proposed strategy.

The first step to this is to watch out for the funnel stage. The text is very well written and very informative, but was it produced as middle content when the strategy called for top content? So you have to redo it.

Here, worth to reinforce: top, middle and bottom funnel have nothing to do with depth of content! What will define which stage of the funnel that material meets is how close the person is to close the purchase .

Thus, throughout the work, the reviewer must keep the person in mind.

In addition, he should also be aware of fundamental aspects of SEO , such as scannability , link building and keyword usage. Therefore, the web reviewer also needs to have knowledge about digital marketing.

Formal aspects of the text

It is not enough that the text is informative and appropriate for the strategy: it is essential that the ideas are well written and clear. This is where the aspects of Portuguese and grammar that we normally associate with the revision work come in.

In addition to correcting inattention and typing errors that the copywriter may have missed, the web reviewer should also improve sentence structure when needed , always mindful of the clarity and rhythm of the text.

The better the writer does his job, the easier the reviewer will have at this point and the more time he can devote to the other aspects of the review.

Finally, if the production of content is done by multiple copywriters , it is up to the reviewer to ensure that everyone follows the same style of writing and have the same "face". Thus, it maintains the unity of the company's voice or website.

This is one of the points where the work of web content reviewer differs from traditional review work. In general, the ideal is for the reviewer to improve reading fluency without getting too much into the style of the copywriter.

In the context of content marketing, however, the reviewer can (and should!) Change what is needed to keep the company's communication cohesive.

How much does a web content reviewer earn?

It is difficult to measure the web content reviewer's average salary since this is relatively new and is in an area of ​​intersection between traditional text review and marketing.

According to a survey of Love Mondays website , the average salary of the traditional reviewer is $ 2,549.00 per month, ranging from $ 750 to $ 7,490.

However, it is worth emphasizing that the work of the reviewer of web content has some peculiarities, as we mentioned in previous topics.

What is the qualification required for a web content reviewer?

  • Graduation (Social Communication, Advertising, Journalism or Literature) or work experience in the area;

  • Domain of the standard norm of the grammar of the Portuguese language;

  • Knowledge of writing techniques;

  • Certification in Web Content Production ;

  • Certification in content marketing .

What skills should a web content reviewer have?

  • Attention to detail: sometimes it's a little detail that ends with a text - a comma out of place, an inappropriate lexical choice or too large a paragraph, for example. In addition, he also needs to be careful not to let go of nonsense such as inconsistent misconceptions or double spaces.

  • Ease of Writing : It may seem obvious, but it's worth emphasizing that the reviewer needs to master the essay. After all, it's no use identifying that something is not working in a text and not being able to fix it.

  • Critical sense: the reviewer is the last "barrier", so to speak, between what the company produces and the public. That is why it is his responsibility to question what has been produced and draw attention to what needs to be improved. He should have a keen and discerning eye to identify what might be criticized by the public.

  • Curiosity and willingness to learn: as we have already mentioned, the writer needs to be sure of the relevance and veracity of the information presented in the text. For this, it is very useful to have knowledge on various subjects. It is not necessary (nor is it possible!) To dominate all areas of knowledge, but to always be studying and learning new things can help a lot!

  • Strategic thinking: Content marketing is strategy. Therefore, in addition to being able to tell if a text is good from the grammatical point of view, it is important that the reviewer can also identify if it fulfills the necessary role in the strategy, talks well with the other content produced and which is the best way to make links between them.

How to hire a web content reviewer?

The criteria for hiring a good web content reviewer are the same as those for hiring a copywriter, right?


Although the vast majority of reviewers are good writers, not every writer is a good reviewer . This is because, although complementary, both functions require different skills.

The reviewer needs to have an even more in-depth knowledge of grammar than the editor, as well as a lot of attention to detail and a critical sense as you already know. So no attempt to kill two birds with one stone and use the same selection process for both positions!

To help you, we have prepared a vacancy template, a practical test idea and some questions to ask during the interview.

Job Description Template

We are looking for a reviewer of web content to review and improve texts, ensuring their quality in terms of content and strategy.

You must master the best web writing practices, including scannability and SEO techniques, as well as having knowledge of the standard grammar of the Portuguese language.


  • Write rich texts and materials according to our quality standards;

  • Review rich texts and materials according to our quality standards;


  • Domain of Portuguese;

  • Focus;

  • Research capacity;

  • Good communication skills;

  • Experience with webwriting / blogs;

  • Good ability to manage tasks;

  • Certification in Web Content Production;

  • Certification in content marketing.

The pre-interview task

As you may have realized, a part of the skills required by a good web content reviewer is somewhat subjective. It is not an easy task to evaluate the command of Portuguese or the general knowledge of a candidate from his or her curriculum only .

Therefore, we recommend that you include in your selection process a pre-interview assignment to test candidates' skills in a practical way.

The ideal is that this step allows you to evaluate how the professional will deal with their daily tasks. Our suggestion, then, is that you send the candidate a real text , produced in the day to day of the company, to be reviewed. Also be sure to send the material briefing.

If necessary, include purposeful mistakes - such as compliance issues, formatting, or whatever the main criteria the company adopts - and make a checklist to assess whether the candidate is able to identify and correct them.

When you receive the candidate review, evaluate what he submitted as you would with a material from your own strategy. Is the text good enough to be published? Has the candidate had some glitches, but demonstrated mastery of writing and grammar?

Do not forget: it 's easier to train a marketer than to teach someone to write well !

Questions for the interview

If you like the practical test result, it's time to call the candidate for a conversation in person. This will be the time to get to know you better, understand your values ​​and how you can fit into the company and help it grow.

In this conversation, mention the strengths and weaknesses of the test (if it has slipped into the specifics of web writing, for example, this is the time to reinforce these points), ask about your past experiences and motivations.

We've separated some questions you can ask to find out this information:

  • What do you consider most important is a good text?

  • Why did you decide to work with proofreading, and why on the web?

  • Tell us about your projects in the area. Have you ever had a blog ? If so, what was the subject?

  • What was the most valuable lesson you learned from your previous experiences in review?

Why is it important to have a web content reviewer?

You have probably heard that content is king. If that is the case, the web content reviewer is the right arm of royalty - or, if we were in Westeros, the King's Hand.

This professional has a huge responsibility. After all, it is the last stage between the production of content and its dissemination. If the content offered is not relevant and appropriate for the public, all efforts of the rest of the team will fall to the ground.

Similarly, if the previous work has not been done in the best possible way, all the errors of the process accumulate over the reviewer, and it is up to him to give the red light.

More than "just" throwing money away at a strategy that does not work, bad content can effectively undermine your brand image . Wrong information overthrows all authority gained up to that point; typos or basic grammar, easily detected, give an impression of slovenliness and negligence; and writing problems or clarity of ideas may be more confusing than helping your person.

Surely, these are not the results you expect from a content marketing strategy.

The professional who will ensure that none of this happens is the web content reviewer. To be able to do this, he needs to combine strategic insight, content marketing knowledge, some notion of the subject he is reading about, and mastery of writing techniques and grammar.

That is: that is not a job for anyone! That is why it is so important to make a careful selection to find a reliable professional.

Now that you already know what are the responsibilities and skills expected of a good web content reviewer, we hope that you will be able to find the most appropriate professional to perform this function.

And to further understand the role of each one within a marketing team, do not forget to also know the profession of Customer Success !


Content is the most important aspect of a website. It is because of the information that you can provide that someone visits your site and decides whether to (or not) return. To attract these potential visitors you should develop the texts based on the following questions:
  • "What do people ask about my products and services?"
  • "What are the keywords or phrases that people will type in search engines to find my products and services?"
  • "What do people need to know about my business?"
  • "What are my market differentials?"
Answer these questions with quality texts spread across the various links on your site. Think broadly. Use forums, blogs, news links, videos, user manuals, descriptions of products and services, FAQs and whatever else your imagination allows.
In drafting these texts, you can follow these recommendations:
1. Originality.
Produce original content focused on the interests of your customers. Do not copy and paste from other sites, because the search engines can identify "cloned" texts and will always give preference to those who have published before.
This does not mean that you can not use data and information from other sources. Use, but citing references and try to give a new view, another approach.
2. Recent content.
Seize the opportunities and gaps of the current context. Use data and information that is being indexed in the media and manages content for your site. Search engines give preference to recent texts and with the participation of Internet users.
3. Use keywords and phrases of interest.
The searches on the internet are made through keywords . So they need to be the main focus whenever you're writing new text.
In the example of the Ideal Concept agency, you can verify that we always work with content that relates directly to the keywords that we are interested in: website, website creation, website development, design, graphic design, web design, communication, advertising, advertising, media, folders, flyers, brands, visual identities ....
The more content you have on your site with your keywords, the better. Searchers will recognize this and give more priority in the search. However, it is no use writing only a text without quality by randomly repeating the keywords.
4. Well written text.
Use short sentences and short paragraphs. Put your power of synthesis into practice, but do not cling to an X number of characters. Use the amount of text needed to properly convey your message. Avoid misprints, concordance and pleonasms.
5. Use the language of your target audience.
Is your target audience formal? Traditional? Adult? Child Use the language your audience understands. And if that means going from a technical vocabulary to using slang, do not forget to put links with small explanations to those who may not understand a certain subject.
6. Make lists
Whenever possible, simplify your ideas and give examples. Use lists with steps and steps to follow, as if you were passing a cake recipe. People are easier to understand this way.
7. Use links, graphics, and pictures.
Avoid very large blocks of text without any graphic or interactivity. People get tired quickly of reading on the internet. So keeping their interest is always a challenge.
8. Use videos, slides, manuals, catalogs and pdfs among others.
They are not content that will have the same indexing by search engines as the texts run within the website itself, but are great visuals.
9. Offer benefits and invite the Internet user to action.
Think about alternatives so that your text titles have attractive calls and deliver benefits to your target audience.
Example: You are reading this topic because you were led to understand that we would teach you guidelines for creating content for your site. It is a practical way of explaining how to use the benefits.
At the end of your texts, invite people to take action: "buy now", "request a quote", "sign up", "create your account", "schedule a visit", "contact" .
Make it clear what you expect the surfer to do.
10. Maintenance.

Your content should be live, dynamic and up-to-date. It needs to be interesting for people to return to your site and for search engines to identify changes frequently. So, constantly, reread your publications, insert new images, links and update data.

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