Do you know when to start reviewing the content studied for the contest?

Every candidate knows that it is important to make periodic reviews, but there is much doubt as to when this should happen. Because, over time, the amount of information in each subject only grows and becomes increasingly difficult to be administered. In the same proportion, the risk of many things being forgotten is increasing. ⇏ Gift B ox    ' Romance Your Partner '  100-page eBook  Completely free At the beginning of the study , everyone has the feeling that they study and do not learn. It is not just impression, but reality, because it is the first contact of the brain with that content, especially if it is a discipline never seen in life. There is an important fact to be considered in this context: memorization happens gradually and requires successive repetitions. But it will only be effective if you really understand what you are studying. Then, the process begins with the understanding of the contents, and then start fixing them. It is worth mentioning...

How to Attract Visitors to Your Business Blog?

See in this article how to attract buyers visitors to your business blog in 7 simple steps. Check the article.

One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face on the internet is the lack of traffic to your business blog, and especially qualified traffic, ie people who really want to buy your product or service.

Obviously, if your website is not getting traffic, you are not generating sales.

At this point, you may have noticed that qualified traffic is one of the key elements for sales to happen.

If you already have a certain routine in producing content for your blog, in order to bring more visitors, whether organic or paid traffic, make sure you bring your blog buyers above all else. It's no use having thousands of hits a day accessing your business's blog  if those are not buyers visitors.

So if you're interested in increasing your business sales through traffic on your site, see these 7 steps I've prepared for you.

Among other important tips you will understand:
  • How to get traffic cheap and immediate to your site, so you can test what works and what does not work in a traffic-based sales process;
  • How to ensure that every element of your sales process is optimized to convert the maximum traffic to the maximum sales;
  • The most effective strategies to attract thousands of potential highly qualified buyers to your website immediately;
  • The secret to putting your entire traffic campaign on autopilot.

And even if your site is receiving few visits now, you can already start the tests immediately and know in no time if the content you produce is bringing the expected return.

Sounds good does not it?

Bring qualified people through the content you produce.

All right, come on, let's see how you achieve this feat.

Step 1: Get the traffic you need to test your website fast!

Increase Website Traffic - Sivaldo Gomes

When I talk about testing new websites, I hear the following questions:
  1. How can I test my site?
  2. What can I test on my site?

(Although you see me talking a lot here on the site, I'll be referring to your business blog, simply because the blog is the technology that will be used to produce content on a daily basis).

As you may already know, there are an endless number of things you can test on your website to help you increase sales. From layout (blog appearance), there are unlimited combinations of changes that can improve your conversion rate from visitor to buyer. But what is "enough" when you're just starting out? What elements should you focus on in order to bring a qualified audience and buy from you?

My advice is do the basics. Focus on testing:
  • On your site, is it clear what you offer ?  What you have to offer and what you want the user to do on your blog should be simple enough that any even newbie user on the internet can understand.
  • Create lists and research with your audience to find out what their real interest is:  You can create digital lures (e-books, mini-training, guides, etc.), and give people who visit your site. According to the solution you create, it will attract people who need to solve such problems.
  • Call for action, ask your audience to do something on your site and it will do: The rule is this, give something of value to your audience and ask for something in return, simple as that. In your articles, videos, or any other material that you produce, ask your visitors to take some action you want. People are grateful when they receive something of value, so they are more likely to reciprocate in some way.

These are some of the key aspects that should be taken into consideration in a project of selling products and services over the internet.

Of course, all this talk of testing your new website raises a big question: How can you test without traffic?

Because if you're just starting out, chances are great that your site does not have much traffic yet.

The solution is simple: Buy traffic through Google AdWords or Facebook Ads . For each visitor looking for the keyword (s) you purchased, click on your website, and you will start receiving visitors today.

Step 2: How to Attract Organic Traffic Through Search Engines

Achieving Organic Traffic - Sivaldo Gomes

Now that you already know how to quickly bring people to your site, let's see how to bring qualified people organic to blog your business.

Paid advertising on the one hand is good as it allows visits to happen immediately, but by using that strategy alone, as time goes on, your income gets smaller and smaller and you end up being held hostage by paid advertising.

It's that old story: It stopped paying, the visitors disappear.

To change this scenario should be worked the organic content of your blog. Make visitors come to your site through a search conducted on a search site.

No doubt this is the best and cheapest traffic strategy that anyone can use in your business.

But some care must be taken, before producing the content that will attract visitors to your site organic , among these care we can mention:
  • Create content based on the searches your audience has been performing: Use Google's keyword planner for this;
  • Do a Google search for your product or service, and see which sites appear in the top positions, go to those sites, and view the content you've produced. Can you produce better content?

Step 3: Create King Content

Content Marketing Sivaldo Gomes

This is a term that you will see a lot on the outside. And without a doubt, using content marketing  in your business is the great differential between blogs spread over the internet.

We are living the information age, and useless information is found in the hills around.

You can not be one more that produces content just to fill sausage. You need to produce and deliver valuable content to people who need your solution.

As I mentioned in step 2, try to find out what problems your audience is facing, and help them solve those problems.

To be successful with the content of your blog, you need to take into account two main aspects:

  • Help your target audience solve a problem they are facing;
  • Or help your target audience achieve a dream they so desire.

Of course in both situations, when producing some content, the problem or desire of your target audience must be directly connected to the product / service you offer.

Step 4: Prioritize Good Content and Make It Sell for You

memorable content - Sivaldo Gomes

Believe me, you'd better have a smaller amount of valuable content on your blog than having lots of useless content that will not bring you any results.

Valuable content, everyone wants to consume and share on social networks and on other blogs as well.

Useless content, however, serves only to take up space and make your visitors wait for just a few seconds and then drop off for content elsewhere.

Always keep in mind what you want visitors to do when consuming your blog content:
  • Do you want your blog visitor to read the next article?
  • Do you want the visitor to your blog to share and share your content?
  • Or do you prefer that he subscribe to your mailing list?
  • Or rather, do you want visitors to your blog to buy your product or service?

Consider the following saying: If you do not ask your visitors to do something, how do you want them to do it?

Step 5: Create content that will appeal to buyers and not just visitors

Second book The art of SEO  There are three types of query that determine the intent of the researcher. Through these types of research you can know what the researcher really wants:

  • Navigation queries: Navigation queries are made with the intention of navigating directly to a specific website. in some cases the user may not know the exact URL, and a search engine assists in this search by displaying the sites related to the search performed.
  • Information Inquiries: Information searches, or informative, involve a wide variety of queries - for example, the result of the last round of the Brazilian championship, yesterday's chapter of the eight-day soap opera, and so on. The person who does an information search, is not interested in buying at that time.
  • Transaction Inquiries: Transaction Inquiries do not necessarily involve a credit card or an online transfer. Among other transaction queries are finding the best local Mexican food restaurant for dinner tonight, best computer for a digital marketing agency  or even buy 7 seater car.

As you can see, the content you create on your blog will set the type of visitor that will access it.

Step 6: Use Long Tail Keywords

By being a way to get qualified visitors and almost for free, the content marketing strategy is very competitive and needs to be used intelligently in your business.

It all comes down to the searches that people perform on search engines.

The closer you can get to the difficulties your target audience has been facing, the more likely you'll be to get qualified visitors to your business blog .

To get an idea of ​​the good keywords to be used in your blog posts use Google Suggest to help you.

Do as follows:

Access and in the search field type "buy your product's name in" , and see the suggestions that Google offers.

These are searches that people have done and continue to do frequently.

The next step is to create articles based on these searches, but adding your location. So people who conduct this research in your vicinity are interested in buying your product or service, so you will have a better chance of increasing sales.

Step 7: Use Email Marketing to Return Visitors to the Site

The e-mail marketing  is a widely used strategy to promote products and services through email campaigns.

You will see and hear a lot out there that whoever has an email list has a big asset in their business.

For, once a visitor has decided to be part of your contact list, he is giving you permission to receive your content.

In addition to sending emails with the content produced in your business blog, you can now send promotions to the people on your list.

It is important to emphasize that you must be strategic at this time.

Do not go around sending only promotional emails at all times. You should feed subscribers to your list with valuable content and then offer something so they can buy.

How to Attract Visiting Buyers to Your Business Blog - Recapping:

Step 1: Get the traffic you need to test your website fast;
Step 2: How to Attract Organic Traffic Through Search Engines;
Step 3: Create King Content;
Step 4: Prioritize Good Content and Make It Sell for You;
Step 5: Create content that will appeal to buyers and not just visitors
Step 6: Use Long Tail Keywords;
Step 7: Use Email Marketing to Return Visitors to the Site.

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A big hug and until next time.


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