Do you know when to start reviewing the content studied for the contest?

Every candidate knows that it is important to make periodic reviews, but there is much doubt as to when this should happen. Because, over time, the amount of information in each subject only grows and becomes increasingly difficult to be administered. In the same proportion, the risk of many things being forgotten is increasing. ⇏ Gift B ox    ' Romance Your Partner '  100-page eBook  Completely free At the beginning of the study , everyone has the feeling that they study and do not learn. It is not just impression, but reality, because it is the first contact of the brain with that content, especially if it is a discipline never seen in life. There is an important fact to be considered in this context: memorization happens gradually and requires successive repetitions. But it will only be effective if you really understand what you are studying. Then, the process begins with the understanding of the contents, and then start fixing them. It is worth mentioning...

Content idea such as- Nutrition

Do you know how to target content for each stage of the nutrition cycle?

If you got here, you probably know that the marketing landscape has changed completely, have not you? Today the professional should not seek to reach the maximum number of people through the most diverse channels, as there are a shopping journey and content for each stage of this journey.
So, it does not make sense to treat all your customers as if they were the same because they are not. Nowadays, who owns the power of decision is the client, so it is so important to understand his journey. Come on? Follow:

The purchase day

Known as Buyer's Journey, by scholars, it consists of three stages:
  1. Knowledge: the moment when the client is attentive.
  2. Consideration: interest is aroused and the client goes after more in-depth information about what he wants.
  3. Decision: he realizes his desire and goes to action, that is, the moment of purchase.
To segment your content efficiently you need to understand this journey in depth and then attack it. To better understand this question, what about an example?

Sales Funnel

To give an example you should keep in mind the famous sales funnel, which is nothing more than a model that represents the journey through which the buyer passes. Briefly, this funnel has three stages: top, middle and bottom and there are a type and material for each of these steps. Here's how:
  • Top of the funnel: here are the suspects. They are those who are trying to know something better, that is, they seek information. Therefore, the material for this nutritional cycle is more attractive and the corporate blog posts work as a great format for this stage.
  • Middle of the funnel: here are the prospects and leads. In this step, in addition to providing more in-depth educational materials, the content should also demonstrate how to solve the problem of these prospects and leads. Therefore, the content that works best for this stage is events (face-to-face or online), educational materials, newsletter or personalized e-mails.
  • Funnel bottom: this item contains the opportunities. The persona is really interested in doing business, so the content for this nutrition cycle should be clear and transparent, ie information about price, institutional material and everything the buyer wants and needs to know to close the deal.

Now, let's look at the example: Imagine that your persona is someone who is in the knowledge stage on the shopping journey. Now, what is the best content for her?
This person is at the top of the funnel, so the types of material needed to engage it is attractive, arouse your interest and encourage you to consume more materials. So posts like "10 tips to better understand x" would be a good content option for this suspect.
If you want to understand even more about the sales funnel, read this post -  Sales Funnel: Identify the right content at each stage and watch our hangout with Emilia Chagas, where she talks more about it!
Now that you have understood the Shopping Journey and the Sales Funnel and how they are interlinked, let's go to the main point of this post: how to segment the content for each stage of the nutrition cycle?

Lead Nutrition

According to Gleanster Research, approximately 50% of a B2B company's leads are qualified but are not yet at the ideal time to purchase, according to a survey by Gleanster Research. In this way, it is necessary to engage these leads to arouse their interest so that it slides to the next step of the funnel (since it has had its first interaction) in a smooth, not abrupt way. For this, it is necessary to perform the nutrition of leads in order to boost your sales.
Lead nutrition, according to RD STATION, is nothing more than a technique that consists of sending, in an automated way, a sequence of emails with contents related to what the user has shown interest, a few days before. That is, it is to continue the "conversation" with your lead and engage you even more in your solution. But how do you know the right content to send? Do You Know the Advantages of Lead Nutrition?

Content segmentation for each stage of the nutrition cycle

Now that you have understood what is the Purchase Journey, Sales Hopper, and Nutrition Leads, it is easy to understand how to accomplish this targeting, is not it?
To carry out this nutrition, as we stated earlier, you should know at what stage of purchase you find yourself to understand what stage of the funnel you are in and to provide the ideal content for it: informative, educational or information to close the deal. And for this, it is also important to have personalized communication. That is, in addition to having relevant content, you must "talk" to your lead through the correct platform. But, how to do that?
It's simple: the marketing funnel needs to be aligned with the customer's journey, as we stated at the beginning. But what do you think of recapitulating? So let's go!

Marketing funnel aligned with customer journey

To achieve this alignment and leverage your sales strategy, a few points are needed:
  •      Know the cycle of your person
  •      Understand at what stage the Sales Funnel is
  •      Use the sales funnel to target your leads and create relevant content for each of the stages
  •         Use the map of empathy
Did you notice that a new point emerged: the map of empathy? This map allows you to have a deep knowledge of your lead, helping you to carry out all the previous steps, that is, to understand the cycle of your persona and the stage in which you are, performing efficient content segmentation for each cycle of nutrition.

Was this post useful to you? Learn even more through our e-book on how to plan different content for each step of the sales funnel!


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